First Bite of Wedding
“Love at first Sight Bite”, whether we like it or not our actions cast an image
onto others on how they perceive us, those around us and the relationships we
have with others. At the risk of being perceived as a fun sucker, smashing a
handful of cake into your new Brides face, hair, dress, tierra, and ear is not
cute, funny or remembered in a positive light. The traditional events that
occur through the course of your wedding day have withheld the test of time for
many reasons. They generally revolve around a couple common concepts; they are expressions of a couples love, respect,
passion, commitment and honor that they are pledging to each other for the rest
of their lives or they are displays of appreciation and love to the guests
they have invited.
Toasting the Bride & Groom, Cake
cutting, Bouquet toss, Garter removal, First dance, Favors, Grand entrance /
Introduction, etc… You may not want to include all or any of these events in
your day and that is what will make your day unique to your first day of the
rest of your lives together. To include smashing cake into your spouse’s face
under the guise of tradition is absurd and poorly justified. If you still think
it might be a good idea, please refer to bold portion in above paragraph and
try to rationalize how having a food fight exemplifies any of these ideals that
a married couple should be striving for.
Everyone loves a Good laugh and it
is the best medicine for all that ails us but not when it is at the expense of
those we love. Creative minds can surely find other avenues to create those
memorable moments. Moments that you and your guests will look back on as loving
displays of affection, signals of respect for each other, or just plain funny
are moments worth remembering.